Data and Democracy

Who do they think you are?

  • numeric description of the family unit.

    00 =Young singles/homesharers, 00 01=Young family no children, 01 02 = young family with children, 02 03 = young household with children, 03 04 = Mature singles/ homesharers, 04 05 = Mature family no children, 05 06 = mature family with children, 06 07 = mature household with children, 07 08 = Older single, 08 09 = Older family no children, 09 10 = Older family/ household with children, 10 11 = Elderly single, 11 12= Elderly family no children, 12 U = unclassified

    Commericial supplier'

    A person's assumed gender.

    Identifies the length of time that the longes residing head of the houshold has been at the same address.

    Estimate of whether a household is likely to have children.

    Estimated marital status.

    Identifies who is most likley to be the head of a household.

  • Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about austerity.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about healthcare.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about housing.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about the powers held by Scottish parliament.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about taxation.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to be concerned about transport.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject support measuring how likley an individual is to switch between Labour and the Scottish National Party in either direction.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to switch support between Labour and the Conservatives in either direction.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to support the Labour party.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to the data subject

    Numeric value 0-1, where 0 is thought to be extremely unlikely and 1 is thought to be extremely likely with regard to the characteristic in question

    Internally generated

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to support the Scottish National Party.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual in Scotland is to support the Conservative party.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to answer the door to a campaigner on a weekday between 9am and 5pm.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to answer the door to a campaigner at the weekend.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to answer the door to a campaigner on a weekday evening after 5pm.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Numeric value from 0-100, where 0 is 'assumed to be very unlikely' and 100 is 'assumed to be extremely likely', with regard to the characteristic in question

    This is a ranking of electors within a given Westminster parliamentary constituency of how likely they are to fall into various categories.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Describes to what each ranking refers.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Propensity score appended to data subject measuring how likely individual is to be in favour of the UK remaining in the EU.

    Calculated by the Labour Party using polling data as well as data they hold on voters, such as commercially available demographic data.

    Expected voting intention if data subject votes

    Numeric value from 0-100, where 0 is 'assumed to be very unlikely' and 100 is 'assumed to be extremely likely', with regard to the characteristic in question

    Date that the upload score was appended to the subject

  • A household segmentation based on council tax bands for residential properties.

    numeric description of the type of person likely to 'make decisions' for a household.

    00=Young male, 01 = Middle male, 02= Old male, 03 = Young female, 04= Middle female, 05= Old female, 06= Young couple, 07 = Middle couple, 08= Old couple, 09= Young sharers, 10= Middle sharers 11= Old sharers, U= unclassified

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product specific to Scottish Households.

    An exhaustive list of Experian Scotland Mosaic classifications can be found here

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product specific to Scottish Households.

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product that describes UK consumers in sociodemographic bands.

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product that describes UK consumers in a more narrowly segmented way than 'h_mosaic_uk_6_group'

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product that describes UK consumers in sociodemographic bands.

    Experian Mosaic segmentation product that describes UK consumers in a more narrowly segmented way than 'h_mosaic_uk_6_group'

    Estimated age band.

    Estimated personal income band.

    Numeric description of lifestage of household.

    An estimation of someone's ethnicity based on their name.

    An estimation of someone's ethnicity based on their name.

    the level of confidence in the predicition of someone's ethnicity based on their name in this instance.

    An estimation of someone's ethnicity based on their name.

    identifes the likely age of someone living at an address.

    (A=18-25, B= 26-35, C=36-45, D=46-55, E= 56-65, F= 66+, U= unclassified).

  • Description of employment status.

    ( 0 = employed full time/ other, 1= student/ unemployed, 2= part time/housewife, 3= retired, U= unclassified).

    The length of time that the longest residing head of the household has been at the same address.

    Labour Party Membership Status.

Political Parties