Anna Fielder
Anna is a long-standing privacy and consumer advocate, having originally trained as a classics scholar and spending a stint as a travel reporter and editor, working for Which?, the UK Consumer organisation. She currently heads the secretariat and is Senior Policy Advisor to the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), covering all aspects of consumer policy from regulations to digital rights; she also works as independent policy researcher/advisor for other public interest organisations, and is part of two expert advisory groups, on trade and on GDPR, for the European Commission. She serves as President of European Digital Rights, the Brussels-based association of digital rights organisations throughout Europe. She was previously Chair of Privacy International (now designated as Chair Emeritus for her contribution to the organisation) and regional Director at Consumers International, the global consumer federation, where she put issues related to online rights and data protection on the consumer organisations’ priority agenda, and set up the TACD back in 1998. Anna is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA).