James Baker
Campaigns and Grassroots Activism Manager
James is the Campaigns and Advocacy Manager at the Open Rights Group. He is also an elected Councillor in the Borough of Calderdale in West Yorkshire with extensive experience of Local Government.
As the Campaigns and Advoacy Manager James works closely with our local ORG groups, supporters and Policy Staff to help us achieve our political campaigning objectives.
James has a proven track record of success working with elected representatives and grass roots campaigners on political campaigns. Formerly he was the Campaigns Manager at NO2ID, who campaigned successfully to block the creation of ID Cards and the National Identity Register. A government minister once described the NO2ID campaign as one of the most successful in History.
James has also worked closely with the European Parliament as the former joint chief of Staff to Chris Davies and Jane Brophy, MEPs for the Northwest Region. Before joining ORG James worked at the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors, training and empowering others to become effective campaigners.