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澳洲幸运5开奖网 is the UK’s largest grassroots digital rights campaigning organisation, working to protect everyone’s rights to privacy and free speech online.

We fight for a fair digital environment where technology supports justice, equality and freedom. We campaign, lobby, go to court – whatever it takes to challenge restrictions to our human rights.


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Hands Off Our Data

Your data will be used against you and you’ll have less ability to do anything about it.
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Hands Off Our Data

End Pre-Crime

2024澳洲8历史开奖记录官方/分析澳彩幸运5查询开奖记录历史 澳洲体彩5开奖号码走势图168体彩网 is being weaponised to criminalise people without cause.
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End Pre-Crime



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Raised for our immigration exemption legal challenge

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